January 22, 2013

  • Tuesday is good news day, right?

    Actually as it goes in the song, Maybe tuesday will be my good news day, nothing like hopefully thinking and giving it a shot at having a good day anyway despite what people throw at you or even the dark recesses of your mind throws at you.  Those attack thoughts that creep up and tell you your not good enough, fast enough, rich enough yadda yadda yadda.  Things like if internet explorer tells me one more time that it can’t display that page, I think I’m gonna, gonna, gonna, take a deep breath and just say to myself – MORE COFFEE NOW – ha be right back happy.  Oh Lordy thank you so much for this coffee winky.  Heck no, nay merrily I say unto myself, I’m a gonna go out there and make it a good day laughing.  Kinda like what I tell my customers, ya look gorgeous now go out and be gorgeous.  I wish I could rant about work and career here but this just ain’t the place so I may have to make another blog or something or just journal about it all, ack.

    Anywho, as the quilting ideas turn round and round in me noggin I have to admit that what I don’t know about it and coming into it as a newbe so to speak kinda has me throwing around all kinds of things that don’t really seem to be quiltish if ya know what I mean.  Went to the craft store and was looking over some of the quilting parafanalia/gadgets/accessories.  Heck all mighty ya can spend a fortune on all that stuff.  Then there is the whole thing about quilting it on a machine and finer stitches and matching it all up so its all even and the more I look at it the more it makes me feel like I’m boxed in and really not that inspired all sorta like kind of a downer on my free running imagination.  Don’t get me wrong all these gadgets and handy time savers and such are what have made quilting what it is today and its a big business for those that have invented or are using these clever devices.  Enough of my quilt ramblings…….

    Which brings me to the whole journaling thing.  I got this journal and haven’t been able to bring myself to write in it yet so I’ve been going around and finding all the ideas scrawled on bits of paper and just stuffing them into it so that at least they will be in one place.  I guess I’m treating the journal like some of my best duds to wear.  I don’t want to wear them to work since I don’t want to get them messed up.  I might mess up the purdy pages, Ha. 

    Note to self, don’t get on here and start blabbing till youv’e fully waken up, LOL.  Now its off to get rid of this week long beard and to work, Happy tuesday laughing


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