Month: September 2012

  • There here : )

    The sunflower seeds have made it, WOO HOO!  These were so fun to watch grow.  There are several types of varieties and these are the ones that produce the big heads of sunflower seeds.  The others are fun too but they have smaller flowers and they get many different flowers that come out of every branch.  This type has mainly one flower and then it may get another but its not as big as the other.  I’ll save seeds off of this flower head and see if it will grow a big sunflower next year.  Its amazing to see how these plants can stand on their own when they are towering over you.  I did stake one or two of them but the rest I just let fend for themselves and they did grea, even with the couple of storms we had this summer.  Its amazing to see how many bees, birds and butterflys that come around when you have stuff like this growing in your yard.  Looking forward to next summer to see what we can do with the garden.  happy